
What is resilience?

It’s the foundation program at Hurt Performance. A guided path to teach you to build Mental, Physically, and Spiritual strength so you can adapt and recover with profound personal growth.  

Resilience, like your parent’s old sturdy kitchen table, is a structure designed with four legs to support you. Purpose, Relationships, Behaviors, and Systems. If one of those legs is loose or broken, just like a broken table you will be wobbly or fall… 



This is where it all starts and why your Why so important. Because, for you to build Resilience and for this program to work we need to match our tools that we offer to the purpose that’s driving you to want to change, thus, ensuring you build sustainability, and have a successful, clear path to your goal. With that said, motivation (your Why) will only hold you on course for so long before the struggles begin. Why? Because purpose truly needs to be deeper than a motivational Reelz video and pure desire. So how do you go deeper? Well, if motivation starts wavering and it will, don’t be embarrassed; it happens to all of us, the fix is as simple as looking at your next leg….
relationship (1)


This is your support system and the second leg to building Resilience and creating sustainable change. Thinking back to the table. The bolts and glue must have a binding relationship to withstand the load of life’s demands. Just like you, the people, places, and things you surround yourself with, can either sabotage your progress or help pick you up and put you back on solid ground. Now we have your why, and the people and places, but success doesn’t stop there. To obtain real change and set yourself up for a lifetime of winning you will need to start reflect on your very own…..
behavior (1)


Leg number three also known as your HABITS. Think of this like the craftsmanship that went into sanding, carving, and staining the wood that will become a sturdy table. A true craftsman quickly learns that it takes a lifetime of practice and knowledge to hone the skills of Mastery. Habits are the same way once you establish the knowledge and practice the skills you will be able to create a new, break an old, or fine tune an already existing habit. A true master will find a path to tinker and modify habits around life’s never-ending curve balls. Finally, the fourth leg of RESILIENCE…


Interconnecting Purpose, Relationships, and Behaviors to increase efficiency is how we build the foundation of your system. The most important rule to remember is always stay flexible to ensure everything from work to family/friends, and the places you choose to spend time at, stay aligned with the WHY. If you find yourself changing your “WHY” to be around or in those places, then you will have a broken path to success. A beautiful well-balanced table is only as resilient as the carpenter who crafted it. The systems you will create with Resilience coupled with hard work and flexibility will not only help you lay out a plan, but you will have the confidence and the competence to maneuver around life’s many obstacles.